Kubernetes Hands-on Workshop

6 min readDec 24, 2021


Kubernetes is used to maintain, scale and deploy containerised applications. It is one of the most used open-source application that accelerate the application lifecycle. In this blog, I am going to teach Kubernetes via a hands-on workshop. The contents of the workshop;

  • Install Minikube
  • Kubernetes common features
  • Run a pod
  • Run the cron job
  • Create a secret
  • Kubernetes logs
  • Create config map
  • Create a pod with json
  • Create service
  • Kubernetes service types
  • Create load balancer
  • Nodeport example
  • Creating Kubernetes Deployment
  • Update the image for deployment
  • e2e application via Kubernetes
  • Create Kubernetes cluster on AWS

Install minikube (Docker)

The workshop will be done on minikube, you can also use any Kubernetes cloud provider like AWS, Azure, Google..


Step 1 — Start cluster using Docker

Start a cluster using the docker driver:

minikube start — driver=docker

Step 2 — Start minikube

minikube start

Step 3 — Test sample command

kubectl get pod

Run a pod

A pod consist of multiple application that can be deployed to Kubernetes

Step 1 — Run the pod with the following command

kubectl run nginx — image=nginx

  • First parameter is pod name
  • Second parameter is the image name

Step 2 — List the pod

kubectl get pod

Create namespace

It allow to separate the containerised applications through different virtual clusters

kubectl create ns nginx-ns

Run a pod via file definition

Prepare the pod with the following definition

As a first step, you need to create a namespace

kubectl create ns nginx-ns

Create a pod with the required specifications

kubectl apply -f pod.yaml

You can check whether the pod is running in the nginx-ns namespace

kubectl get pod --namespace=nginx-ns

Create a cron job

Let’s create a cron job with the following specifications

  • name of job : cron
  • time interval : every 5 minutes
  • container name : busyboxcron
  • image: busybox

The container is supposed to print the date in the system shell

Tip : When you see this kind of question, please search cron job in the documentation

Create the cronjob with the following yaml

You can check the pod

kubectl get pods

Create a pod with secret

Create a secret with the following command

kubectl create secret generic db-secret — from-literal=username=serkan — from-literal=password=serkan123

Let’s create a pod with the following specifications

  • secret name= db-secret
  • readonly = true
  • pod name = mypod
  • container name = redis
  • image = redis
  • mountPath = “/etc/foo”

kubectl apply -f pod_secret.yaml

Connect to the pod

kubectl exec mypod -it sh

Locate to the folder

cd /etc/foo

List the files

ls -l

Create a config map

Create a config map with the following command

kubectl create configmap myconfig — from-literal=dbType=DynamoDB — from-literal=progLanguage=Java

Create a POD with the following features, use the myconfig as a ConfigMap.

  • pod name : podconfig
  • container name : busybox
  • image : k8s.gcr.io/busybox

Define the following e pod environment variables from myconfig

  • DATABASE_TYPE from dbType
  • PROGRAMMING_LANGUAGE from progLanguage

Use the following pod definition

Create the pod with the following command

Create a service

Please create the following pod before starting to the question

Create a Service that expose the pod on port 443. The name of the service should be myservice

Expose the pod via following command

kubectl expose pod static-web --port=443 —-name=myservice

You can check via kubectl get services command

Create a service ( NodePort)

Please run the pod before starting to the exercise

kubectl run nginx — image=nginx

Create a service for nginx pod which serves on port 80 and the type should be NodePort. The service name should be nginx-service

Expose the pod with kubectl command

kubectl expose pod nginx --port=80 --type=NodePort --name=nginx-service

You can check whether the service is created

kubectl get service nginx-service

Kubernetes Deployment

Please see the sample configuration for deployment

kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml

Kubernetes Deployment ( Update max.unavailable )

Please deploy the following deployment for that exercise

Deploy the provided yaml in the question

kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml

In the nginx-deployment, please make a required configuration that specifies the maximum 2 Pods that can be unavailable during the update process.

.spec.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxUnavailable is an optional field that specifies the maximum number of Pods that can be unavailable during the update process. !!!!

In order to make an update in the deployment, execute this comment

kubectl edit deployment nginx-deployment

Max Unavailable

.spec.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxUnavailable is an optional field that specifies the maximum number of Pods that can be unavailable during the update process. The value can be an absolute number (for example, 5) or a percentage of desired Pods (for example, 10%).

Change the .spec.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxUnavailable field in the deployment



After the change, save the file, You should see the file is edited

Kubernetes Deployment rollback

Please deploy the following deployment for that exercise

For the nginx-deployment , please update image with nginx:1.16.1 version. After the rollout is successfully finished, please rollout undo the image with previous version

As a first step, please create the deployment in Kubernetes

Update the image with nginx:1.16.1 version

kubectl set image deployment nginx-deployment nginx=nginx:1.16.1

You can check whether the change is rolled out

kubectl rollout status deployment nginx-deployment

You can rollback to previous version via following command

kubectl rollout undo deployment.v1.apps nginx-deployment

Kubernetes Service

You can create a service with the following yaml

kubectl apply -f service-xx.yaml

Kubernetes Service (Cluster IP)

This following example creates a pod with 3 replica

kubectl run hello-world –replicas=3 –labels=”run=load-balancer-example”–-image=gcr.io/google-samples/node-hello:1.0 –port=8080

Expose the pod via Service. The following command creates a service without YAML

kubectl expose deployment hello-world — type=ClusterIP — name=my-service

The application can only be accessed within your cluster. In order to access your application, we need to use port-forward

kubectl port-forward service/my-service 8080:8080

Forwarding from -> 8080

Check thee application from http://localhost:8080

Kubernetes Load Balancer

Please create a following deployment before starting exercice

You can run this deployment or find from internet

kubectl apply -f https://k8s.io/examples/service/load-balancer-example.yaml

Expose the deployment

kubectl expose deployment hello-world — type=LoadBalancer — name=my-service

kubectl get services my-service

Congrats ! You have finished the practise lesson

Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) Test

3 tests with 57 hands-on exam questions in order to prepare Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) exam

Go to the course with this link!




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